Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day One on Sadska Street

For trivial purposes I'll tell you that on the plane I watched 'the Adjustment Bureau' and 'Country Strong', because I know that at least one of you was wondering aloud which movies I would watch at some point during the day.  When I wasn't watching these films I was sleeping, or pretending to sleep so that the man next to me wouldn't commence conversation one hour into a eight hour flight--my intuition warned me that he really wanted to chat.  Moving on...

The second round of customs was much ado about nothing, because the minute I whipped out my American passport they waved me through without threatening in any way, shape or form my stash of fruit snacks that I've saved for a time when they were much needed.  When I entered the arrival area I immediately spotted a large man waving a sign with my name on it...swoon?  I dare say I did!  And though he didn't say it, I could tell he wanted to make fun of the amount of luggage I was charging out of the terminal with.  When a great humidity blasted me when I stepped outside and the puzzle pieces came together--not wonder he looked at my jacket with confusion, and slight disgust.  I tried to make a silly quip, but the language barrier immediately got in my way...I intend to change this!  After quite a long drive, we arrived at the hotel positioned right around the corner from the school and the large flight of stairs that came with said hotel.  The driver helped me lug my exactly fifty pound suitcase to the top, and after we caught our breath I was informed that I would not, in fact, be staying at this particular hotel but at a flat a five minute metro stop away.  A new character, Martina, entered to help me find said flat and lug my bags back down the daunting staircase.  When I asked if I was the only one staying at said flat, I was informed that Martina would be picking up my flatmate tomorrow morning; her name is Meghan.  I believe I confused Martina with my smile, and shocked her quite a bit when I guessed my flat mate's last name correctly.  Onward to my new flat!

Martina only had one key, so I didn't get to choose my room...this is upsetting because Meghan's is substantially bigger than mine.  I'm not kidding--she could double-dutch in her room, whereas it would be absurd to try it in my room.  I do believe Martina felt badly about leaving me on my own, because she was very concerned that I wouldn't be able to figure out the key system in the doors.  Fun fact: Czech keys are used upside down.  Perhaps I am not the first American to be caught off-guard over this.  After the key discovery, Martina walked me down to the Metro station to show me how it worked and what it looked like; I was duly impressed with how simple both of these features were.  I plan on mastering it, much like we did the bus system in London.  Owned.

That leads me to this point.  I plan on relaxing for a short amount of time, and then heading out on a walk (I seem to have impressed Martina by declaring that I love to walk in foreign countries--she said I was not of like-mind with other Americans she had given the short tour to).  There's also talk on facebook about a visit to an alleged 'beer garden' later this evening with people from class--I find this perplexing.  I'm not sure what this entails; a garden watered with beer, a garden made of beer, drinking beer in a garden, a garden where the only thing one is allowed to do is drink beer...the possibilities are endless.  I plan on tagging along, but we'll see how it goes.  Evidently the person who proposed this adventure is one of the few who studied here in college...perhaps the 'beer garden' is a Czech frat party.  Sober updates to follow.

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