Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kiki's, guiding me in the right direction (yet again)

Things that happened to me today...bullet-point style:
  •  When I awoke I had a huge bruise on the side of my hip, as I wasn't injured when I went to bed last night I am to assume one of two things occurred:
    • I sleep-walked...somewhere
      • I believe that the sleep-walking destination (should the hypothetical injury explanation become fact) would be to visit the woman who makes fried rice on the first floor of my building
    • My rock-hard bed has taken to injuring me as I sleep, when I am rendered defenseless to any and all attacks
      •  Personally, I'm leaning toward this explanation for my spontaneous injury
  • Last month may have been my month to lead exercise-time but I was the only option today, and so I danced/jumped solo this morning in front of thirty-five kindergarteners...again
    • I forgot the choreography, but was corrected (many times) by the adorable girl in the front row
  • I was heckling a toddler for getting milk all over himself as he drank (but admiring his milk beard at the same time) when I spilled my coffee down the front of my sweater
    • The toddler laughed...rightfully so
  • Enter second toddler with the most intense milk mustache I've ever seen; he refused to wipe it off, so I (being the adult) drew a mustache on my finger and joined him...'stache twins!
    • He laughed, but there was a look of pity in his eye
    • It took me a while to remember to wash this carefully drawn mustache wonders how many times I accidentally wore it in the time that it existed outside of school (through nasal region scratchings, general hand-to-face contact, etc.)
  •  I had a slight feeling I wasn't going the right way out of the MRT toward my post-kindy coffee destination, but I happened upon a Kiki's Restaurant--assuring me with it's basic cat sketch that I was headed in the right direction for coffee...and life in general
    • There's a chance I've attached excessive meaning to the constant appearance of Kiki's Restaurants in my adventures as I traipse about Taipei
      • Kiki's: a culinary stalker, or a beacon of light?  Research (delicious research) must be done.
The 'listening comprehension' portion of homework asked this youth to draw a purple teddy bear; this haunting portrait was the result:

 He received credit for his interpretive depiction.

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