Monday, January 9, 2012

The great injustice of 2012 and a toilet bowl lunch.

I won a flat screen television at the year-end banquet this past weekend.  However, unbeknownst to me, there was a tiny box at the bottom of the raffle ticket I was supposed to check in order to officially win my prize.  So they put the ticket back.

What.  A.  Bummer.

I've tried to trick myself into thinking that a flat screen television would be a burden, and that I'm better off without it.  I'm not fully convinced yet.


Sunday afternoon.  Day of rest.  What better way to spend it than at 'Modern Toilet: the Restaurant'?  Please cue epic music.

The whole restaurant was decorated in bathroom decor, right down to the porcelain thrones we sat on.

Picking out what to order was a challenge, but everything came as a combination with a drink and some fro-yo; for an extra NT$30 (US$1) one's drink would be served in a take-home that happened.  I didn't order the right thing, though.  The food was fine, but it arrived in a sink (observe my urinal, complete with bendy straw).

The other lunches arrived in style.

Who wouldn't want their chicken served in a black toilet?  Riddle me that.  While the side of rice came covered in a ceramic pile of dung, the hot beverages were served in toilet mugs.

The amount of security cameras around made one wonder how many times the dung-covers had been involved in attempted abduction.

While dining at this restaurant our group became "those Americans"...but we were too easily entertained to care.  So many poop jokes and, yet, it still didn't feel like enough.

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