Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Classroom antics (and other amusements)

The "Yo-Yo" class began a new unit yesterday, "At the Zoo!"  And as with every new unit there is a new window display.  My intention is not to toot my own horn (except that this is exactly my intention), but I drew this monkey free hand.  Don't act like you're not impressed.

I won't lie and say that I didn't use the monkey design from our storytime book.

And as if to reward me for my amazing artistic abilities there is a field trip scheduled next Tuesday...to the zoo!  I declare it to be the easiest money I will every make in my life.

On Friday night I had my level one class, full of rambunctious nine year olds...including one of my favorites, Gary.  I like Gary for reasons two-fold:
  1. He has hipster glasses without meaning them to be hipster.
  2. No matter what I say to him outside class time I receive the same answer, "My name is Gary."  Without fail.
As I begin every class I asked them what they wanted their team name to be.  Instead of the usual "Team iPad 2" and "Team Angry Birds" this week they were feeling rather creative:
  • Team "Good Job!"
  • Team Michael Jackson
  • Team T.G.I.F.
Note: the third team name came at no prompting by me...and the kid knew what it stood for.  Bonus.


The following is a list of what I love about my apartment complex:
  • When it's not raining a group of kids can be found playing either stickball or soccer in the center area
  • There is a group of old men that sit chewing the fat in my building's lobby on weeknights
  • The library hosts a variety of events including meetings, conferences, and dance classes
    • Note: I enjoy this when I don't want to use the library's internet access, as I am doing right now
  • There is a small "restaurant" on the first floor of my building that serves phenomenal fried rice
  • 7-11 is located fifty feet from the lobby of my building
  • The all exclusive and eventful trash time (as previously discussed)
  • The community ping pong tables where every morning a group of three women play together; one of the women wears a sweatshirt that says "the Smipsons"--complete with a picture of the Simpson family
  • Sometimes there is a group that does tae kwon do in the mornings
    • Fun Fact: My realtor is a part of this group and came over to say hello to me whilst I was skyping into a South Carolina Thanksgiving, causing much confusion and amusement on the South Carolina side.
My building is on the left.

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