Thursday, November 10, 2011

An apartment complex, bonding through mutual garbage

Five nights a week at 8:15pm a calming instrumental track of traditional Chinese music (or what I assume is traditional Chinese music) plays over the loudspeakers in the halls of my new apartment complex, signifying that it’s garbage time.  The people flow out of their respective buildings (twelve in all) to throw their pink garbage bags into the truck that is parked at the entrance; tonight I was initiated into the neighborhood club as I threw my heavy pink bags into the truck bed, with minimal help from a man in a funny hat.

And now, for the main event: the apartment photos.

I should have gone with a brighter sheet for my suspicious looking futon.
It gets more home-y by the day.

I can play my music again in the mornings!
Please note the baseball on television.  It's always on!  This time it's a Taipei Brothers Elephants game.

Yes, that is "A Room With a View" on top of that book stack.

My makeshift indoor "kitchen", because I don't trust the one on the balcony.  Yes, I have an outdoor kitchen.
The necessities: Hawaiian Punch packets, Scooby-Doo fruit snacks, peanut butter and my new favorite cereal.
Obviously the A's reign supreme on my coat rack.
My "30 Rock" calender is displayed proudly.

I'll bet my coffee table is fancier than yours.

Don't be deceived by the awesome bedding...the mattress is hard as rock.

The most organized my clothes have ever been.  In my life.
And a small shelf for my bathroom/"kitchen" sink.
The bridge below my balcony (taken from the river walk behind my building).
My apartment building is the one on the right; photo taken from the driving range across the river, where I spent a nice Sunday afternoon pretending I knew how to play golf.

And also, my wish has come true: E-Coffee, a block from my apartment building, serves a tasty latte for the same price as 7-11, at NT$55 (US$1.81) and has seating!  It’s not quite the calming atmosphere of Dante Coffee, but I can dig it; still no luck on the Chinese language skills though.  However, I do know how to say, “add egg” which has proven key for my breakfast ordering skills, as evidenced by this tasty rice “burrito” wrapped in a fried egg.  Thank you, Taiwan.

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