Saturday, February 25, 2012

A museum's worth of art.

Last week was chalk full of quizzes...and the inevitable student artwork that happens when they finish said quizzes.  I'd like to take the time to share some of my favorites.  Bottom line: I need to devote more class time to art.

I'm highly concerned with what's happening in the chest region, but let's not ignore the problem of my haircut.

This doodle was found on the phonics section of the quiz; I responded with my own.
Teacher Lindsay goes 'formal'.
I may have broken my leg in this photo, but I'm still winking like a pro.
Notice: my snakeskin dress; also, that snake has pigtails.
Influenced by the zombie-craze, this student nailed the likeness of my eyes and ears.
This kid has created his own "Angry Fish" game; he drew a cast of characters for me.
"Angry Fish": Level One
I don't know who the cook is, but I appreciate that all of that food only costs $50.

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