Saturday, February 25, 2012

A museum's worth of art.

Last week was chalk full of quizzes...and the inevitable student artwork that happens when they finish said quizzes.  I'd like to take the time to share some of my favorites.  Bottom line: I need to devote more class time to art.

I'm highly concerned with what's happening in the chest region, but let's not ignore the problem of my haircut.

This doodle was found on the phonics section of the quiz; I responded with my own.
Teacher Lindsay goes 'formal'.
I may have broken my leg in this photo, but I'm still winking like a pro.
Notice: my snakeskin dress; also, that snake has pigtails.
Influenced by the zombie-craze, this student nailed the likeness of my eyes and ears.
This kid has created his own "Angry Fish" game; he drew a cast of characters for me.
"Angry Fish": Level One
I don't know who the cook is, but I appreciate that all of that food only costs $50.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Childish games and nine vacation days left.

The break can be attributed to the twelve days I spent over-stimulating my baby nephew in South Carolina at the end of January.  As a result of said over-stimulation he can now play air guitar to Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock".  I firmly believe he is much better equipped for life with this particular skill.  But back to Taiwan I went, and the following is what has happened to me since I arrived:

  • I poked a kid in the eye yesterday.  I didn't mean to, obviously, but in the heat of an intense game involving rolling a dice I gesticulated wildly and got him with my pinkie.  I felt terrible, but he was a trooper; I couldn't tell if he was more upset that he was blinded in one eye, or that he missed his turn to play (he seemed quite annoyed that he was made to sit-down).
  • My wild and crazy class got into full swing after a two week break.  It was fun to see the kids again, but they didn't get any more tame with a break; I can feel my raspy throat happening already.  My goal of containing the craziness, whilst playing awesome games geared toward English learning and keeping the children's crying to a minimum is a continual challenge.  I am determined to perfect the art!
  • In addition to the adorable shoes that I purchased at Hilton Head's Target, the best purchase has been the children's book Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom.  A classic from my childhood, I brought a copy back to the kindergarten class; it has become an instant favorite for them, as well.  The kids shout out, "Chicka chicka, boom boom!!!" when I cue, and they point out which letters of the alphabet their classmates' names start with.  It has become a fun daily activity and despite my attempted rotation of books during story time they request this one every time.  Success!
  • Last weekend I attended Taipei's Lantern Festival at Sun Yet-Sen Memorial Hall.  The warm and sunny weather was a nice teaser of the Spring that is to come--staying inside was not an option.  Around the grounds of the hall there were floats of all things related to the year of the dragon (a badass year to choose to live in Asia, just sayin'); we walked around exploring, and I even got a flip-flop tan on my ghost-white feet (hopefully an omen of successes to come in the tanning department).  When we stumbled across a small child in a folded paper dragon hat that lit up, our mission became quite clear: secure possession of awesome dragon hat.  Ready, break!  We found them.  We wore them.  Mission accomplished.
  • I've been teaching for four months now and, as it is a favorite word in my vocabulary, I have been calling my students "buddy" for as long.  Two days ago one of my students raised their hand and asked very seriously, "Teacher, what is 'buddy'?"  Perhaps I should address my other classes to clear up any confusion that this mysterious vocabulary word may have caused.  Poor kids have probably been so puzzled that I've been calling them all the same name.