Thursday, December 15, 2011

The road to a Taiwanese Christmas.

Today I received a package full of Christmas spirit...California style.  The box was practically exploding with candy, a stocking full of the traditional Boggs family stuffers (items including but not limited to: various accessories; oral hygiene kit; gum; headphones--cheeseburger headphones, to be exact; Milk Duds--witnesses will attest to an unrivaled enthusiasm in regards to this caramel delight; other goodies), wrapped gifts (which will stay wrapped until Christmas in a true test of the ultimate will-power) and all-around holiday cheer from home.

In an effort to document the cheer of Taiwan for those who are unable to experience it, I have taken to photographing all of the Christmas trees that I come across in my daily activities.  I had imagined this to be a simple (and not creepy) task before the season was in full swing; a picture of the tree at school, and maybe the blow-up Santa Claus at the school down the street...but how wrong I turned out to be.  One should never assume a country that doesn't celebrate Christmas would be opposed to the usual over-the-top decorative tactics.  Trees began popping up all over my daily routes and other locations I found myself in around the city; they may be fake trees, but their decorations are nothing short of festive!  The result of my documentation is a possibility that I now have a reputation amongst the MRT station agents as "the" crazy for the amount of trees I've had photo shoots with while compiling this seasonal portfolio.  The following are the gems from my collection of photos entitled, "Taiwan's Spirit: the Journey to Christmas" (and yes, I'm aware the formatting is less than stellar):


 On a note entirely unrelated to Christmas in any way, shape or form:

The woman drinking tea across the way at the coffee shop I am currently camping out in has her cat in a Baby-Bjorn; she is caressing its paw whilst she sips her beverage.  Her purse is also emitting a curious, animal-like tone.  If I could find a way to sneak a photo I would share it with you all and the world, but alas!  Damn her awareness of my glances of curiosity.

I'm doing my best to ignore her death stare; it's as if she knows I'm dying of laughter--on the inside.

I just had to tell someone.

1 comment:

  1. um, that last tree is absolutely terrifying. and i am lamenting your inability to photographically document the pet lady. ah, adventures!!
