Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kindergarten humor.

INT--SCHOOL (DAY): The Elephant class waits in line outside the bathroom.  The teacher, a radiant, personable, young American woman (ahem), inspects the line to make sure that each student is standing on his, or her, respective footprint outlines.  Satisfied, she takes a seat on the stairs and holds out her arms for each student to step forward.  "May I go to the bathroom, please?"  They ask one by one--receiving high-fives before entering the bathroom.  The last child, an energetic boy, walks over to the (dazzling) teacher with the swagger that has become his trademark, and the typical (and adorable) smile on his face.

Teacher: Alright, Fernando.  What do you say?

Fernando: (raising his hands in anticipation of the high-five)  Fernando is ready for his milk.

Teacher: Whoa, King Fernando!  What do you really say?

Fernando: (aware he's being mocked, but not sure why) Fernando is ready for his juice.

Teacher: Interesting.  But do you have to go to the bathroom?

Fernando: (nodding with enthusiasm) May I go to the bathroom, please?

The student completes the exchange by slapping a high-five on the teacher's palms with much enthusiasm.  As he continues his swagger into the bathroom the teacher does her best to control the laughter that has overcome her.


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