Sunday, December 9, 2012

"Smith&BoggsAdventure": the basics

The following information should be made known before the city recaps.

1.  Theme Song

Given our previous experiences of getting lost and making fools of ourselves all over the island that is Taiwan it was decided that 'performances' like these warranted a theme song.  One of us has a musical background (the guess as to which one should be easy for those that have ever heard me sing--or asked me to stop singing, for that matter) and she used her talents to write us an appropriately ridiculous theme song.

"It's a Smith&BoggsAdventure!  Anything can happen--we could go anywhere."

Sure it's lacking in length and general rhythm but it still suits.

To refresh your memory here's the (sharp looking) team on a previous adventure to Green Island:

2.  Goals

Before setting out on our epic post-contract adventure we agreed on what our goals would be.

  • Ride an elephant
  • Hike the great wall of China
    • sing "Mulan" songs whilst hiking the Great Wall of China
 If we didn't do these things our trip would be deemed a failure.

And now to the adventure itself...