Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The best quotes and the hardest goodbye.

Here's the best of the best from the kindergarteners throughout the year (at least the ones that I remembered to write down):
  • Jimmy raises his hand as if it's a gun, pointed at me:
    • Me: No, thank you Jimmy.  No 'bang bang,' please.
    • Jimmy nods and after 'holstering' his 'weapon' blows a kiss at me instead.
  • "Teacher Lindsay and Jimmy and Jimmy and teacher Lindsay and--and--and--say sorry!"  ~Victor (sometimes explaining a problem can be so complicated in a second language)
  • Pointing at my necklace:
    • Jimmy:  Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy says, Jimmy says--uhhh--Jimmy says yes!
    • Me: Do you like my necklace?
    • Jimmy (nods enthusiastically): Yes!
  • "We are now at Keelung Station."  ~Peter (playing with blocks; obviously someone's been paying attention on the commute to school)
  •  Unauthorized love pats had occurred:
    • Me: That's harassment!  I'm calling the proper authorities and filing a report on you.
    • Jimmy:  No!  Ugh...Jimmy is angry.
Let's toss in a quote from an older class, for good measure:
  • "Ouch!  That hurt my nipper!"  ~Alex (when a classmate accidentally hit him in the chest)
And the winner of the quote contest comes from a class that wasn't even mine but simply a long-term substitute situation...though I think he got it right:
  • "Teacher Lindsay, you are not a serious people."  ~Rocco

I got a big group hug on the last day of kindergarten.