Friday, August 3, 2012

You can't say they're not creative.

He's actually asked me to call him by the name 'Easonosaurus' in class.

That doesn't exactly answer the question--though it is informative.

Sometimes when Amber is absent Peter gets lonely during snack time.  Good thing he has that framed picture of her to keep him company.

Celebrity lookalikes in the Elephant class.

I feel as though the app took a few liberties to compare Jimmy to Kevin Bacon.

  They did do a nice job with Alex though.  Come to think of it, he does look a little like Donald Faison.  Also (fun fact), Alex calls me 'Teacher Messy' and I haven't done a damn thing to correct it.

"Ted": pop-culture references ignite American laughter.

The following lines in "Ted" were responsible for fits of uncontrollable laughter by the two Americans sitting in the back of the theater, while the rest of the audience was absolutely silent.  Like, dead silent.

"But wait, you can't eat your pudding if you haven't had your meat."

"Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don't."


In other news, the 'King Kong in Tokyo' line featured in "Spiderman" enjoyed a boisterous response by the Taiwanese.

It's complicated.

Information Desk Man (pointing back and forth between the two of us): Unintelligible Chinese mumbles, ma?

Me: I think he's asking if we're sisters.

Maddie (to the man): Unintelligible Chinese mumble.

Information Desk Man (confused expression): Hao (ok).

Maddie (to me): I told him you weren't my little sister.

Me: I thought 'little sister' was mei-mei.

Maddie: Huh.  Ok.  Then I told him you weren't my grandmother.