Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Word travels fast in Yeliu.

Somewhere out there a middle-aged Taiwanese couple has photographic evidence of the ocean, cool rocks and me falling on my ass.

There is a geopark in Yeliu, and though they don't allow you to climb the rocks (an orange vest with a whistle comes out of nowhere to yell at those who try), there is a little region in which to wade into the water.  When the sun is out, with minimal cloud coverage, it may seem like a refreshing idea to remove your flip-flops and splash about in the knee-deep water.  It will be, but that is as far as you should go.  Whilst splashing about, laughing at how you are the oldest person enjoying said water (the rest are children), you'll notice that still within the knee-deep region there are a few rocks that look like fun to stand on.

Don't do it.

Heed my warning--they are too slippery.  You will fall into the water.  You will be laughing so hard that you can't get up, allowing your purse to soak in the (once delightful) water.  You will need your friend (who is also laughing hysterically at your stupidity) to drag you (still laughing) from the water.  There will be a middle-aged Taiwanese couple watching with an equal mixture of horror and amusement, using their giant camera to take flip-book worthy photos of this ridiculous sequence of events; they won't stop until you retreat to the most inconspicuous picnic table location to salvage what is left of your belongings.  And for the rest of your time in said geopark you will receive the tickled glances of other visitors who recognize you (and your wet clothes) from the (fast-traveling) description as "that white girl who ate it in the water".

The orange vest, and its whistle, will not be close in your moment of need.

Oh, yeah.  And you will need to replace your camera and iPod; they won't think too highly of your impromptu swim.  But on the bright side, you'll see some cool rocks.